Computer and Post Update

I thought I’d take a moment to update readers on the status of my laptop repair.

Yesterday, we arrived in Cleveland, OH, and I rented a car to take me to one of the two Apple stores in the area. After a bit of waiting, I got to speak with a “Genius,“ who troubleshooted my computer pretty much the same way I had: pressing the power button, getting no results, switching out the charger and cable, and still getting no results. He somehow concluded that the problem was the computer’s logic board, which would need to be replaced. Fortunately, I have the extended warranty, AppleCare, on my laptop — I always get AppleCare because my computers always break, — so the repair wouldn’t cost me anything. (Except, if course, 2 to 3 days of car rental, fuel, and parking costs.)

After a lot of discussion of my unique situation — that is, being in transit on a boat for the next five weeks — they agreed to try to repair it and have it ready for me before I left on Tuesday around dawn — in other words, by close of business Monday.

There was a catch, however. The store I went to did not have the part they believe I need but the other store in the area did. So I got back into my rental car and I drove 45 minutes to the other store on the other side of Cleveland. I left the computer there with the slight possibility that it would be ready today (Sunday), a greater possibility that it would be done on Monday, and a slight possibility that it would be done on Tuesday or later — meaning that I would not get it in time.

And that’s where the situation stands today.

In the meantime, today is Day 19 of my trip and the last day I wrote about was Day 12. We left the Erie Canal earlier this week and have visited three cities on Lake Erie. We’re spending 3 nights here in Cleveland, partially so I can deal with my computer issue and partially so Capt Paul can meet up with some family that lives in Ohio. There’s plenty to do here: the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and a science museum are a stone’s throw away.

And I do, after all, have a car. I might go visit that very large and very nice mall that the first Apple Store was in. I need to replace a piece of luggage that broke shortly before boarding Nano on August 10.

One thing is for sure: I’ll have a lot of writing to do when I get that laptop back.


  1. Mac

    It’s disappointing, considering the costs of Apple products, your experience tells you that you need to get repair insurance.

    • Yes. I’ve been paying for AppleCare for the past 15 years (at least). It has always paid for itself. Sad.

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