New Calendar Page Helps Folks Find Me

New Calendar Page Helps Folks Find Me

I created a new calendar page where I’ll provide my planned and actual stops along the way so other Loopers — and folks interested in chatting with me about the Loop — can find me.

When I got my Captain’s license back in October 2023, I did it primarily so I could earn a little extra money for my cruising habit by providing a wide range of Captain services. This includes teaching new boat owners how to safely operate their boats and helping boat owners move their boats from place to place along the waterways I’ve become familiar with while cruising the Great Loop. I have a lot of training experience from my previous careers and feel comfortable sharing what I know with others. I’m very excited to be doing my first New Owner Training gig this coming weekend. I also have another possible gig doing a Ranger Tug Orientation next week.

In both cases, the folks who contacted me for training found me while I was in their area. It was, I think, a lucky coincidence. But I’ve decided to make it a little easier for possible clients to find me when I’m in their area by sharing an online Calendar of where I plan to be in the months to come.

(If you’re a bit of a nerd, you might be interested in how I created this calendar and plan to keep it up to date. I created it in Google Calendars and linked to it with some embedding code Google provides. But since I don’t like the Google Calendars interface for keeping my calendar up-to-date, I’m viewing and editing it on my Mac and iOS devices. Any change I make on those devices is automatically saved to Google Calendar and is then update to the page on this blog. Cool, no?)

I’m also interested in doing Great Loop training or seminars for individuals, couples, or small groups. And that’s why I’m writing this post — so folks who want to talk to me about their own Great Loop plans might be able to meet up with me when I pass through their area. I have a lot more information to share than what’s in this blog. Maybe you want to pick my brains over dinner one evening?

(And you know that if you’re a Solo Looper wannabe, you can sign on for a week or two with me to experience the Great Loop first hand, right?)

And finally, I’ve been toying with the idea of interviewing other Great Loop cruisers so they can share their experiences and advice on a podcast. Are you currently on the Loop? Anywhere near me? You can find my current exact location with Nebo, but if you want to know where I’ll be in the weeks or months to come, check out the new Calendar.


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